
Chapas de hierro silicio
Chapas de hierro silicio

chapas de hierro silicio

Siendo la acidez de la solución con un pH 4. La solución utilizada contiene sales de Níquel en un rango de 0,8 a 1,4 M (Ni: 58,7 g/mol) y sales de Zinc (Zn: 65,7 g/mol) entre 0,70 M y 0,90 M, a temperatura ambiente. El material se obtiene mediante una deposición galvanostática, a corriente constante, y en un rango de densidades de corriente de trabajo, J, de 8 Adm-2 a 26 Adm-2, con una velocidad de deposición comprendida entre 1 ms-1 y 1,5 ms-1. Los usos posibles de éste recubrimiento de aleación de Zn-Ni son aplicables en la industria automotriz, de las motos y motocicletas, de la construcción, de los electrodomésticos, accesorios (para industrias de procesos o del petróleo) cuando se necesita alta resistencia al desgaste. En el proceso se deposita una aleación de Zn y Ni más partículas cerámicas a partir de soluciones que contienen las sales de los dos metales y las partículas. The Zn–Fe–Mo plating demonstrates promise for replacing anti-corrosion Zn–Ni platings.Įl material de aleación se obtiene por electrodeposición de una aleación de Zinc Zn y Níquel Ni (Zn-Ni) con y sin partículas cerámicas de Carburo de silicio o Alúmina sobre chapas metálicas, preferentemente acero. Formation of plating comprising a Mo containing alloy phase was found to be crucial for improving corrosion resistance. The anti-corrosion performance was evaluated by Tafel extrapolation method. The surface morphology, composition, crystal phase, and electronic state of Mo of the platings were investigated by scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Zn–Fe–Mo plating was electrically deposited from continuously-agitated plating baths prepared by mixing ZnSO4, FeSO4, Na2MoO4, Na3C6H5O7, and Na2SO4 using Fe or Ni plates as the substrate. In this study, Zn–Fe–Mo plating with a corrosion resistance nearly equivalent to that of the Zn–Ni plating was fabricated. The corrosion resistance of Zn–Fe plating is expected to increase by the addition of Mo as the third alloying element as it is more noble than Zn and Fe. Zn–Fe plating is considered to be a promising candidate, albeit its corrosion resistance still needs to be improved. However, Ni has been reported to trigger allergies thus, an alternative Ni-free plating is desired. Zn–Ni plating is indispensable in various industries because of its high corrosion resistance. These results demonstrate that the electrodeposition technology is a good method to prepare ZnFe alloys, and the ZnFe alloys prepared by this method are potentially promising for biomedical applications. In the in vivo experiments, we confirmed that the ZnFe alloys possess good biocompatibility. Moreover, we found that the corrosion rate of the alloys is significantly higher than that of the pure Fe. In the in vitro immersion tests, the ZnFe alloy ZF2–1 shows the highest immersion corrosion rate, while the electrodeposited pure Zn shows the highest electrochemical corrosion rate. In the alloys, the major's phases were η, δ and Г1, and they were mainly affected by the ion concentration in the electrolyte.

chapas de hierro silicio

The results showed that the content of iron in the alloys ranged from 0 to 8 wt%, depending on the concentration of Fe ions and the current density.

chapas de hierro silicio

The microstructure, composition, degradation properties and biocompatibility of the ZnFe alloys were systematically studied. In this study, we show that ZnFe alloys can be successfully prepared by using electrodeposition technology. However, due to the huge difference in the melting point between the zinc and the iron, the preparation of ZnFe alloy is quite challenging and hence rarely reported. Alloying of zinc and iron may lead to producing a new type of implant material ZnFe alloy, which might be able to meet the requirements for a moderate degradation rate. Zinc is a biodegradable metal, which exhibits more moderate biodegradability than magnesium and iron, so that it has great application potential in the field of biomedical materials.

Chapas de hierro silicio